Tavoli di Lavoro Europei
Tavoli di Lavoro Europei
Many of our research and in-depth analysis topics are discussed and shared at a European level thanks to direct participation in the working groups which allow the various actors to share their views and ideas on innovation themes, security and artificial intelligence. In particular, we ensure our participation in discussions with BDVA EBF, ECSO, ENISA, EPC.
EBF AIDA (Ad-hoc Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics)
EBF (European Banking Federation) firmly believes that Artificial Intelligence can offer enormous opportunities for the improvement of customer experience but there is a need to ensure that the regulatory framework is suited for promoting innovation and ensuring certainty over rights, by maintaining a high level of protection and security. For this reason, the Ad-hoc Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics fosters broad discussions between banks, banking associations, supervisory bodies and the competent regulatory authorities on the developments of Artificial Intelligence and its impacts in the banking sector.
EBF Blockchain Task Force
The EBF considers distributed ledger technology (DLT) one of the levers for driving digital transformation in the field of financial services. The technological paradigm embraces a whole host of possible configurations which would entail a range of different impacts from a regulatory and operational point of view. Within the scope of the task force, there are ample discussions between banks, banking associations, supervisory bodies and the competent regulatory authorities aimed at understanding more effectively the possible developments of DLT and its impact on the banking sector. Out of the various topics discussed, particular importance has been given to the in-depth analysis of crypto-assets.
EBF Cloud Banking Expert Group
The work of the Cloud Banking Expert Group has laid the foundations for the establishment of a Cloud Banking Forum, a more broad-based format for interaction and dialogue between the competent authorities, cloud service providers (CSP) and banks, geared to supporting the rapid adoption of public/hybrid cloud solutions within the banking sector. Starting from joint working activities to identify and discuss best practices, the initiative also aims to maintain constant interaction with the European regulators to construct a base of shared awareness and to avoid damaging fragmentation on the subject of cloud computing throughout the EU, favouring a harmonised supervision framework.
EBF CSWG (CyberSecurity Working Group)
EBF (European Banking Federation) has selected Cyber Security as one of its founding pillars in its strategy for digital transformation. The main objective of the EBF’s work on cyber security is to protect the integrity of banking networks and the confidence of customers. The EBF’s actions to achieve this objective include the creation of a European legislative, regulatory and supervisory system that is more harmonised and effective in combating cybercrime and the promotion of initiatives for facilitating the sharing of information on cyber threats.
EBF SFWG (Sustainable Finance Working Group)
The EBF Working Group has the aim of monitoring the development of the European legislative context, by promoting an increasingly sustainable economy thanks also to the effective and central contribution from the financial sector. Within the Working Group, various specific initiatives are introduced, including meetings with public and private stakeholders at a European and international level and the preparation of documents that aim to identify and more effectively promote the role that banks have in the programme of global energy transition and decarbonisation of the economy, thereby contributing to the targets of the Paris Agreement and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). https://www.ebf.eu/priorities/financing-growth/sustainable-finance/
Since 2019 ENISA (European Union Agency for Cyber Security) has been supporting the European FI-ISAC (Financial Institution InfoSharing Analysis Center) which CERTFin has taken part in since its inception. The membership includes representatives from the financial sector in member countries, CERT national groups and law enforcement agencies.
The mission of FI-ISAC is the exchange of information on cyber-criminal activities harming the European financial community, vulnerability and threats, Incidents and case studies.
The European Payments Council (EPC) supports and promotes the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). The EPC is committed to contributing towards safe, reliable, efficient, inexpensive, economically balanced and sustainable payments, which satisfy the needs of payment service users and support the objectives of competitiveness and innovation in an integrated European economy.
Europol set up the European Centre for cybercrime (EC3) in 2013 in order to bolster the response of the law enforcement agencies to cybercrime in the EU and thus to contribute to protecting European citizens, companies and governments against online crime. Every year EC3 publishes the Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA), its key strategic report on the main results and on the emerging threats and developments in the field of cybercrime. The CERTFin collaborates in the activities of EC3 by sharing data, analyses and technical counter-measures to combat cyber fraud.
G7 Cyber Expert Group
G7 Cyber Expert Group (G7-CEG), set up by the G7 in September 2015, is a group of cybersecurity experts that meets regularly to facilitate progress in the main international debates and it reports to ministers and governors of the G7. The objectives of the CEG are (a) to identify the main cybersecurity risks in the financial sector and (b) to propose actions to undertake within the sector.
Trusted Introducer
Trusted Introducer (TI) was set up in Europe in 2000 in order to foster and make the cooperation between cybersecurity teams effective, thus raising the general level of security due to the possibility of responding rapidly to cyber attacks and new emerging threats. TI feeds a network of trust with additional specialist services available to all the teams providing security and response to cyber incidents; it also manages a database of these teams, providing an updated overview on the level of maturity and ability displayed.