Progetto eIB: Identità Digitale



Il progetto eIB (eIDAS enabled i-banking) è stato concepito per rendere completamente automatico e sicuro il processo cross border di identificazione/registrazione presso una banca tramite la combinazione della identificazione eIDAS e la firma elettronica.

The eIB (eIDAS enabled i-banking) aims at developing a business process model for automating the process of opening a new customer and bank account cross – border.

Moreover, eIB aims at creating a new generation of cross-border e-banking services by creating an eIDAS enabled value chain, an "i-marketplace", where a Bank and Retail Service Providers (operating in different locations across the EU) collaborate in real-time to identify users with high level of assurance, via their eIDAS identifiers, exchange assets and information and ultimately offer banking products and automated e-service.

ABI Lab will support the project with their banking skills and connections . This support will be mainly addressed managing the Industry Monitoring Group that will act as Advisory Board of the project, but also  proposing discussion guidelines,  policy roadmap and functional evaluations.


Link alle pagine - eIB

Link alle pagine - Tavoli di lavoro europei

Condivisione Social - eIB