


The PLOUTOS project aims to improve access to financial services for citizens of developing countries through:

  • financial literacy and sustainability courses supported by a dedicated language course;
  • training courses for community interpreters available to people who already offer this service without any professional training (including third-country nationals residing in the host country for more than 3 years, employees of financial service providers and NGOs);
  • support for “training on the job” programmes;
  • multilingual one-stop-shop platform offering citizens of developing countries access to microfinance in any European country through the 96 members of the European Microfinance Network, reducing linguistic, cultural and administrative barriers.

The multi-stakeholder consortium of 11 project partners from 7 EU Member States includes Universities, SMEs, Banking and Microfinance Associations and NGOs.

ABI Lab will be involved in 5 of the 6 planned Work Packages during the next three years. The kick off of the Project took place in February 2022.

ABI Lab's contribution is to support and make operational an ecosystem that brings together the academic world, industry and NGOs and that can concretely transform the project activities into sustainable tools for financial inclusion.

The main products and services of value defined during the activities and the creation of an alliance between the participants will be able to support further initiatives even after the closure of the project.

Link alle pagine - REDFin

Link alle pagine - Tavoli di lavoro europei

Condivisione Social - REDFin